This is the fourth installment of Aural Regions.
'Dead Conversations' was written and performed by Los Angeles based writer Kirin McCrory. The piece also features the acting debut of my dad, Mark Garcia, fittingly as the father.
The story is a reflection on the meanings we assign to ourselves through relationships we hold and the inevitable dissonance that causes.
Music featured in this installment:
"In THE Crowd" by The Years
"Q" by Inara George (of the Bird and the Bee fame)
“Á Minuit, le 31 Décembre” by Monroeville Music Center
The cover image is courtesy of Cory Dalus.
To find out more about Kirin and her work visit her portfolio here.
Note: All of the voicemails included in the montage at the 6:10 mark are real (especially the ones left by my dad) and were compiled from messages left between 2012-2014.
Thanks for listening.